Basic Features
Affenpinscher meaning of the name in terms of both appearance and behavior reflects very nice . German " Affan word" monkey, " pinscher " means the terrier . In France, which means that this race mustached little devil " diablotin moustachu is known as" .
Affenpinscher is a dog suitable for apartment living . The Affenpinscher enjoys playing outside can not survive outside of the home .
Although energetic and active dogs need exercise in the house or in the garden with games and covered with short walks on a leash .
What would you do ?
Although it is essentially a terrier , vibrant, curious, brave and stubborn is . Besides being active and durable enough to catch mice and rats are agile and nimble . Players also love to do and jump through hoops with nasty attitudes . There is a tendency to bark and climb . Unlike most of the other terrier pet dogs and get along well with . Against the owner and the man shows an incredible commitment . Although generally benign inhabitants of a threat that is fearless and brash . Ideal for small dogs, family is a strong sense of humor and love to have fun should .
Which is one of the oldest dog breeds ornamental Affenpischer exact origin is unknown. 17 mid-century kitchens in Europe and in Germany and mice were fed to keep away from the stables .
Racial even smaller version of the house to kill rats , humor entertain with family members next to be a good lap dog because they were a popular breed of choice , especially women . This smaller version of the schedule Pug , German pinscher and German pinscher silky crossed with Search Search has been made more refined .
Affenpinscher curly -haired toy breeds , particularly the Brussels Griffon breed is used for the development . Germany 's most popular race that can be regarded as the motherland .
Affenpinscher breed by the AKC in 1936, has been considered . Unfortunately II. Gained popularity during World War II has lost this race , and today adopted homeland of America and has become a rare dog even in Germany .
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